There are two types of artists: those that react to outside influences and those that conceive from within. Neither is a superior way to create, but Shaprece falls firmly into the later category. She is an introvert and her music is her diary. She is meditative and deliberate, hesitating to share her gifts with the world because they are so personal. Years ago, she got her first taste of being a performance artist but she found that she was being portrayed as a funky/soul singer and that definition didn’t seem to fit. So she retreated within, like a hermit, and waited years to refine a sound that was uniquely hers. Those years of introspection have paid off and she has emerged better than ever with a lot of secrets to share. Her 2014 EP, aptly named “Molting,” revealed her sultry voice paired perfectly with strings and electronic harmonies. Her live performances are highly curated and rare so don’t miss the chance to see her Sunday, September 27th at Showbox Sodo with Thievery Corporation.